Friday, June 8, 2012

Ellie run - Last in KS - 6/7/12

As the title suggests - our last run in KS before the marathon:
This is pretty close to our most standard route for running, so it seems fitting that it's how we end our Kansas mileage.  Hot, but not bad...
With the Ellie in tow (and Winnie the Poo by default), we brave the setting sun and the heat to get this run in.  We both decided that it would be in our best interest to log the miles before we head up.  Not too bad though. Didn't get to eat any Gu or anything before the run, or drink a lot of water for that matter, but it worked out.  It was a largely uneventful run - leg felt good, shoes worked out fine, and Ellie didn't flip her lid.  That's about as much as any one guy could ask for!

Soooooooooooooooooooo, reflections to date as I pack up the car:

 - I thought I would have a LOT more miles underneath my belt.  But having said that, I've pretty much done the minimums, and done them in run times that I'm quite happy with.  I'm exceeding any time frame that suggests 4 hour marathon is possible.
- Injuries suck, but with each one I was able to rebound.  I guess that speaks to good rest and rehab.
- I'm in great shape for triathlons this summer!  One this is all over, I will begin to focus on shorter races/distances and biking.
- I've officially dropped to around 180 lbs.  I was hoping for much more weight loss, but I'll take what I can get. I was beginning to believe that I'd be stuck around 188 forever - yuck.  I'm hoping to stand tall in the month of August at something closer to 175.

I'll hopefully get 2-3 runs in MN before the marathon.  I will try to post as I go, but apparently "the internet" has not reached the upper portion of the state.  Maybe one day....

Okay, I need to get on the road.  Thanks for reading so far.  I'll have a WAY TOO FREAKIN' long post for the marathon, and I hope to have great results to report.


Running Total:
June:  13.87
2012:  268.73

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