Friday, January 27, 2012

Post-Hill Slog Day

I was determined to get out there the day after my big hill run.  Once I knew that Erin was at her parents house (and I'd have a ride home), I hit the road.  I'm learning that the "inclines" I once considered hills are nothing, so I guess that's a good thing.  The run:

There were fewer hills (except for the very end).  All in all, a pretty standard recovery run.
As you might be able to see, I tried to stick to as many side roads as possible.  It's sort of a quest of mine to run all the streets in this area of town by the time my training is done.  I'm not super concerned about getting every court and nook there is, but I'd like to hit all of the through streets.  We'll see.  Maybe I'll create some sort of overlay when I'm done to see just how much pavement I've hit.

So far, I'm feeling... decent.  I was definitely a little sore on this run, but I keep getting the same nagging pains in my feet and hips.  This makes me think I'm either doing something wrong, or I need to check out my footwear.  It was pretty cold last night (pushing 40 degrees) and I was only wearing shorts, so I wonder if I need to maybe check out wearing tights or bike shorts at the least when it's cold out.  My calf/Achilles was feeling good though, so I have that going for me.

I had some salmon, "enriched" pasta w/ pesto, and baked sweet potato for dinner, and all right after I finished my run.  I think that was a good way to cap off the night.  I'm hoping to get a run in on Saturday - during the day (sunlight, Ahhh!).  I might even hit the trail by I-35 for a nice 5 miler.   We shall see.  I suppose I still have a shot at 60 miles for the month, so that's what I'm going for (in 2 runs over the next 4 days).

With that, good times... 


Running Total:
January: 48.82
2012:  48.82

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