Friday, April 13, 2012

Make-up Post #4... 3/28/12

The last run of the month of March.  That'll do, pig... that'l do....
This is quickly becoming one of my favorite circuit runs.  Pretty straight forward - a few hills, but not too shabby.  I have a feeling that I can make this into some sort of up-tempo run in the future.
The heart rate was up a little, but I was feeling great on this particular day.  That, and I had a limited amount of time to work with.  Sooooo, my mileage total for March was.... well, pretty bad.  I did get the "long runs" started though, and had 2 long bike rides to throw into the mix.  I plan to keep that action up through April.  I should update my comparison chart - to see where I'm at vs. where I should be at.

On second thought.... naaahh.  Let's wait on that.


Running Total:
March:  33.68
2012:  97.00

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