Friday, April 13, 2012

Make-up Post #7!!! LONG RUN on 4/7/12

Finally, another long training run.  Best news is - it felt great!  Huge confidence WIN!!!11!!!1!
If you haven't been out to Lake Lenexa, check it out!  Very scenic - definitely doesn't feel like you're in the middle of an urban/suburban metropolis. 
We've embraced the "loop" idea for these longer runs.  Basically:
 - 1 x 2-mile loop around the lake (including a mile on crushed limestone trail)
 - 2 x 5.25-mile loop around the lake - connecting to a perimeter route

Michael (the Bro-in-Law) joined Erin and I for the short loop and one of the big loops.  Erin and I ran the last loop in the dark.  There are only a few hills to speak of - otherwise it's mostly flat or simple rolling throughout.  You scoot around the Falcon Ridge Golf Course on the big loop, which is really very pretty.  You also run through some killer neighborhoods - have to wonder what some of those people do (and figure out what I'm doing wrong!!!).

We all bought minimalist-type running shoes over the past week or so, and Michael and Erin tried them out on this run.  Michael only wore them for the first loop, while Erin wore them for the short loop and one of the long ones.  I opted for neither.  I have enough problems with my left foot as it is.  My main point of purchasing them was to start strengthening my foot while walking, with the HOPE that I can expand into simple running.  My Plantar fasciatis (sp) simply won't allow for me to do a lot without good support.  That something those shoes don't provide. It's my hope that I can go for a run (or just walk around barefoot someday) without having to worry about my foot splitting in two!

Basically, the run was a huge confidence booster!  My left knee got a little sore at the end, but I felt great otherwise.  I probably need to order some new inserts for my shoes though - they're pretty worn.  That might help my knee out too.


Running Total:
April:  18.39
2012:  115.39

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